

Please note medium group halfday ride - Fast group members can join us if they wish but the fast group ride is in the Isle of Wight
Abbots Well is nicely situated on the western end of the Hampton Ridge path leading to Fritham and the north edge of Stoney Cross. At Fritham it is possible to double back through Sloden Inclosure and via Splash Bridge pick up on Linwood and Ibsley Common before circling northwards to return. The other start option is to head north through Blissford and Godshill to take in some of the stickier tracks on offer in the Godshill Inclosure near Woodgreen and onwards to Hale, then perhaps a return through Hamptworth to
Bramshaw Telegraph. From here it would be a route through Eyeworth Pond, Fritham and Hampton Ridge to get back to Abbots Well
Starting Point: ///toasters.fabric.layered
Starting Time: 10:00 Sunday 07 July 2024
Post Ride Venue: Foresters Arms is ¼mile along the road from the car park.

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